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League Standings
Answers League Standings How do the league standings work?
The league standings listed at Table Hockey Heaven are located at and are driven by xml files,
very similar to RSS feeds. This means that each league can manage their own statistics file and the changes to that file will be reflected
in the Table Hockey Heaven League Standings page.
How can I have my league standings added to Table Hockey Heaven?
You must first create an xml feed with your league standings and keep this file updated over the course of the season.
Instructions on how to do this follow in the FAQ.
How do I create a compatible xml file?
Start by creating a document called standings.xml in Notepad, or some other simple text editor.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1" ?> <rss version="2.0"> <channel> <title></title> <link></link> <description></description> <ot></ot> <dwl></dwl> <rpt></rpt> <item> <firstname></firstname> <lastname></lastname> <link></link> <gp></gp> <w></w> <l></l> <t></t> <otl></otl> <dw></dw> <dl></dl> <pts></pts> <gf></gf> <ga></ga> <so></so> <rp></rp> </item> </channel> </rss>Copy everything from, and including <item> to </item> and paste enough duplicates for each person in your league. Now, start entering the information to be shared through your standings feed according to this legend (put the information between the opening <> and closing </> tags): <title> *** YOUR LEAGUE NAME *** Standings</title> <link> *** YOUR LEAGUE WEB SITE *** </link> <description> *** YEAR *** Regular Season</description> <ot> *** TIE BREAKER, either T, OT, or OTL *** </ot> <dwl> *** true IF YOU HAVE DEFAULT WINS/LOSSES, false OTHERWISE</dwl> <rpt> *** true IF YOU USE LTHL-STYLE RANKING POINTS, false OTHERWISE</rpt> <firstname> *** PLAYER FIRST NAME *** </firstname> <lastname> *** PLAYER LAST NAME *** </lastname> <link> *** LINK TO PLAYER PROFILE *** </link> <gp> *** GAMES PLAYED (including default wins/losses) *** </gp> <w> *** ACTUAL WINS *** </w> <l> *** ACTUAL LOSSES *** </l> <t> *** TIES, only if you used <ot>T</ot> above *** </t> <otl> *** OVERTIME LOSSES, only if you used <ot>OTL</ot> above *** </otl> <dw> *** DEFAULT WINS, only if you used <dwl>true</dwl> above *** </dw> <dl> *** DEFAULT LOSSES, only if you used <dwl>true</dwl> above *** </dl> <pts> *** STANDINGS POINTS *** </pts> <gf> *** GOALS SCORED *** </gf> <ga> *** GOALS ALLOWED *** </ga> <so> *** SHUTOUTS EARNED *** </so> <rp> *** RANKING POINTS, only if you used <rpt>true</rpt> above *** </rp> </item>If you would like a template for the standings emailed to you, email Once you have created this file, upload it to your web site and then send the it's location to so that it can be added to the standings page. Now any time you make a change to your standings they will be automatically updated within an hour on the League Standings page. If you experience problems, please email Josh at or Paul at to receive assistance. Return to Top Is there an easier way to do this?
Joshua Schroeder is currently working to integrate this feature into his stats system so that you would be able to enter game scores
and have your standings file created automatically and stored on his web site. Email for more information about how this will work.
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